Saturday, January 29, 2011

1.15 tengahari!!!! mownink !!


tepat jam 1.15 tengahari...
mownink everyone!!

wakaka :)

aisshhh!! anak dare jenis ape nie...
huhu..nie gare2..bace komik la smlam..adoiyai...
kul 8....mak aku kejut untuk kali pertame...
kul 9 lebih...kjut skali lg...
10..lg skali...
11 lebih...once again...
12....once more again...
and finally !!!
1.15 tenghari......wakaka.chanteek lg muke..seb bek mood mak aku ok ari nie..
klu x..dah lame kne lecture..cita2 mak aku nak jd lecturer dulu..syggnyer..x brjaye..wakaka.2 yg jadi nurse!
2 pown..ngan patient die bg lecture gak..hehe.2 yg patient cpt baik..coz mls nak duk hospital lame2..asyik kn lecture je...huhu :)
haha.saje je.posting this post.
aku pown terkejut aku bgn lmbat glew..hehe.
salunyer lambat la,nie dh lmbat sggt...aishhh!!
kla..nak lunch.haha.
bgn je..mandi..lunch..
haha.anak dare zaman moden tul!

Love is important???

Love is important??

em..i'm not really agreed with that phrase :)
love is not mean everything...
only with love,we can't buy anything rite?
if only with love..we can live without dead ke?
so,love not important..
it's just important when it is needed!!
what r most important actually??

yes!!! i'm totally agreed!!

so,what do u think?
love or oxygen is more important?


I really need a friend that have all those characteristics above!!
anyone out there interested??
pls call me at 01&-72%#@51..wakaka.

sorry.bored exceli.

Arghhhh!!! #$%%^&@$***&%*(( :(

 Benganngnyer aku....

hey!!! ape ko nak ah???
gilew eh!!
agak2 ah nak bergurau pown..aku x sudi la nak bermesra2 ngan ko..mangkuk!!!
yg ko g abiskan duit ko tepon umah aku tue knape..
mane ko dpt no rumah aku ah??
setahu aku..budak pompan pown xde no umah aku taw..
senang2 je an ko dpt maki free dr aku..sorry ye..x berniat pown.tapi,.tp..mean it!
dah la ko ngaku ko bdk MOZAC!! budak ALPHA lak uw..wire otak ko putus eh??
x malu ke ngaku ko bdk MOZAC??
.issshhhhhh!!!ko mmg gilew la...
lagi satu yg buat aku bengang...ko g pakse aku tngok porno pic uw pasal!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aku mmg x puas hati la..
dah la ko call malam2...
ko taw x aku dah tido!!!
mak aku kejut ckp boyfriend aku call!!!!
pergh!! sejak bile lak aku ade pakwe nie...
lps uw..bile aku hang up phone..ko cakap bukan2 lak an!!!
dah ah aku cuak!! ko kate pic aku ade dlm video porno uw!!ko glew pe??
agak2 ah!! aku masuk video pelajar cemerlang jela mangkuk!!
aku mmg bengang sgt2x....:(
@@#$%$^%&^&^&^*&*&(&&(& !!!!!!!!!!

bengang gilew!!!
masalahnyer...AYUL pown ko kacau...ko btul2 x gune ah..pengecut!!!
taw lak x brani call handphone aku!!!

Oh Allah!!help me!! let me cool !! astrafirullah!!!
okla!!! lagi byk aku tulis..lagi panas lak aku!!

p/s sorry kpd sesape yg bace or terbace post nie.agak kasa bahase yg aku gunakan..sorry.EMO ah!!

p/s kpd mamat yg ganggu hidup aku uw..ko g mati baik ah!!!

finish! :(